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  • ... academies, festivals and conferences in the Netherlands...
  • ... twice on the Today Show. CNN's Portrait of America... wrote about his work in Newsweek magazine. Davis used... computer graphics conference. He co-founded... as Star Wars, Terminator 2, Lawnmover Man, Jurrasic...
  • ... her films have been shown and won awards at the Venice... books, and television news and documentary programs....
  • ... of media art through conferences, exhibitions and...
  • ... Imaging Conference series since 2010. In...
  • ... animations are shown regularly in galleries and... UK where he served as conference coordinator for the... as conference coordinator for the 1st International...
  • ... of Advisory Board of the conferences on the Histories of...
  • ... the following year. However the true public debut of... in the ACM/SIGGRAPH conference art show catalogue and...
  • ... an online showcase for new media art and... for IEEE and ACM conferences and journals; SSHRC,...