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  • ... the co-sponsorship for The Society for Excellence Through Education, Israel, Teachers...
  • ... zu arbeiten, nachdem er drei Jahrzehnte in Schwarz-weiß gemalt hat. Seit 1981 lebt und...
  • ... collaboration with SymbioticA, Centre of Excellence in Biological Arts, University of...
  • ... on the board of the National Centre of Excellence GRAND and is the holder of funding from...
  • ... year he co-founds Arts-H2H Labex (Lab of Excellence) a research lab lead by Paris 8...
  • ... language of art in an aesthetic sense: excellent artifices of the process of the...
  • ... Exhibeo Art Magazine, and the Award of Excellence from the Creative Quarterly Journal of...
  • ... Media Arts Festival Tokyo (JP) 2002 Excellence Prize for His Master's Voice. Grants:...
  • ... visuellen Wahrnehmung. München: Urban and Schwarzenberg, 1982.
  • ... She has had a grant holder of Excellence by the Council of Castilla La Mancha...