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  • Cibervisión 2002 -
    ...Event: Cibervisión 2002Institution: ATR Media Integration & Communications LaboratoriesComment:
  • ... and special needs (TESconnect magazine 7th August) 4 US Patent US6893407B1 (2005 [app 2000]) Communication method and apparatus, 5 Hagedorn, D.K., & Holm, E, (2010) Effects of...
  • ... clients, and The Living Body, a series of 24 television programs which the BBC has distributed worldwide. The Visual Communications Congress, New York, gave him the Golden Eagle award in 1985. He exhibited at the 42nd Biennale de Venezia, Italy, 1986...
  • ... forms, emphasizing in particular how these ‹could› bring forth evolution. His search for new zoomorphic types and forms of communication between artificial and natural species led to his founding a fictitious institute named ‹Scientifique de Recherche...
  • ... extending the poetic and cognitive processes of art into the social or community sphere, in this way creating new forms of communication with the general public. Materials, sizes and places for the fruition of art became the subject of research and of...
  •, Hervé Fischer graduated from the école Normale Supérieure (rue d'Ulm, Paris). For many years he taught sociology of communication and culture at the Sorbonne. He obtained its MBA in philosophy and PhD. in sociology. A multi-media artist and creator of...
  • ...(2010-2014), Brazil. She holds a postdoctoral degree from ATI – Art & Technologies de l’Image, Université Paris VIII, and a PhD in Communication and Semiotics from PUC São Paulo. She traced the plan of ‘New Leonardos’ in Brazil at the University of Brasilia and...
  • ...Wiener, Norbert. Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine. New York: Wiley and Sons, 1948.
  • ...1960s to the present. Vančát, J., Poznávací a komunikační obsah výtvarné výchovy v kurikulárních dokumentech. [Cognitive and Communication Content of Art Education in Curriculum Documents.] Prague: MAC Association, 2002. ISBN 80-860-1590-4. Interpretation of the...
  • ...Shannon, Claude Elwood and Warren Weaver. The Mathematical Theory of Communication. Champaign, IL: University of Ilinois Press, Urbana III, 1949.