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  • ... cable and digital broadcast. His Internet-2 quest seeks,... tele-performances, installations,... Selected 2-way-satellite "soundworks,"... which collates his home-based interactive...
  • ... the woodblocks explore ways to reflect photography. ...
  • Manfred Mohr *1938 in Pforzheim, Deutschland, wo er an der Kunst- und...
  • ... these objects to more "manageable" or "handier" sizes. I... in the Renaissance - by way of "putting" (where the idea... from the artist's homepage
  • ... University Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Moderna...
  • ... designs cover jewellery, home accessories and household...
  • ... he has focused on the many forms of power but... of the many ways in which power, particularly...
  • ... has continued to demand my attention. My interest in... multiplicity in several ways. Earlier in my career I...
  • ... Exit Art (New York) and many other places. (source:... in plant aesthetics and ways that human aesthetic...