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  • ... artists and museums. I built custom electronics for works by Rebecca Cummins, Robyn Backen and other artists. I have since...
  • ...For over thirty years Rebecca Allen has investigated a variety of technological forms of expression including 3D computer animation films, music... For over thirty years Rebecca Allen has investigated a variety of technological forms of expression including 3D computer animation films, music...
  • Lorna - video
    ... life into several possible plots and endings. Music by Terry Allen. (L. Hershman) ...
  • Allen, Rebecca. The Bionic Dancer Journal of PERD 54, no. 9 (1983). Allen, Rebecca. The Bionic Dancer Journal of PERD 54, no. 9 (1983).
  • Allen, Rebecca and Jane Nisselson. Computers Who Dance Digital Deli (1984). Allen, Rebecca and Jane Nisselson. Computers Who Dance Digital Deli (1984).
  • Creation Myth -
    ... on Palladium's 50 monitor video display system. (Rebecca Allen) Palladium's 50 monitor video display system. (Rebecca Allen)
  • Plasm: A Fish Sample -
    ...The initial installation in the Plasm series, this piece was inspired by Allen Kay's talk on artificial life forms and simulated ecologies...
  • Musique Non Stop -
    ... also exhibited internationally in galleries and museums. (Rebecca Allen) internationally in galleries and museums. (Rebecca Allen)
  • ... Corporation, working with industrial design consultants Allen Hawthorne and Gordon Bruce, and mechanical engineer consultant...
  • Allen, Rebecca. Computer Animation: A New Aesthetic Approach In Proceedings of l'Imaginaire Numerique, Paris: Hermes, 1986. Allen, Rebecca. Computer Animation: A New Aesthetic Approach In Proceedings of l'Imaginaire Numerique, Paris: Hermes, 1986.