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  • The interdisciplinary artist MOON a.k.a. Martina Zelenika is visionary artist with a unique artistic expression. Artsist MOON combines the must up-to-date digital technology along with an analogue one to embody spiritual dimension of cosmology and
  • Length: 6min. 30sec. Two rectangles turn like prayer wheels on either side of a vertical videographic axis. They show the resonances of a thin layer of sand as it is effected by the audio frequencies of Tibetan music - a conjunction of science and
  • Stone, Allucquére Rosanne. Will the Real Body Please Stand Up? Boundary Stories about Virtual Cultures In Cyberspace: First Steps, edited by Michael BenediktCambridge: The MIT Press, 1992.
  • Stone, Allucquére Rosanne. Virtual Systems In Zone 6: Incorporations, edited by Jonathan Crary and Sanford KwinterCambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1993.
  • Notes for Sleepers Guts Seaman/Forsythe Exchange over the pacific (weave of the airline trajectory) 26 / 09 / 95 (part 2) just sitting here in sydney - 9 / 10 / 95 (part 3) Part 3 a attraction / architecture / association / algorithm / arresting /
  • Stone, Allucquére Rosanne. Innocence and Awakening: Cyberdämmerung at the Ashibe Research Laboratory In Technoscientific Imaginaries: Conversations, Profiles, and Memoirs (Late Editions Cultural Studies for the End of the Century, No. 2), edited by
  • Stone, Allucquére Rosanne. The War of Desire and Technology at the Close of the Mechanical Age. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1995.
  • Alembic
    "Linking art, science, spirituality and technology, this interactive installation is the product of the artist's exploration of virtual reality as a sculptural medium, and is centered upon a floor based projection of computer generated 3D
  • In TRANS-E digital technologies provide us with an electronic ritual. Bodies connected by interfaces dialogue with computer electronic memories and can experience "virtual hallucinations" in real time. These "hallucinations" are managed by
  • The interactive installation offers exchanges of body signals using a sensorized carpet to capture people displacements. The information are sent to a neural network which mangage the artificial system and gives life to the physic environment. A big