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  • The Amsterdam based artist couple Erwin Driessens (1963 Wessem) and Maria Verstappen (1964 Someren) have worked together since 1990. After their study at the Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts and the Rijksacademy Amsterdam, they jointly developed a
  • Thomas Ray is scientist and researcher working in the fields of Artificial Life, Evolution and the Human Mind. He serve as a collaborator in the media art group Knowbotics Research. He write a generative computer program called Tierra that emulate
  • Fechner, Gustav Theodor. Elemente der Psychophysik
  • Margaret Dolinsky is an Artist, Research Scientist and Assistant Professor at the School of Fine Arts at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. Her recent work involves digital painting fused into projections for opera and experimental film.
  • My bodies of investigative works, primary titled overall as SoundScapes and ArtAbilitation, sits between researching cross-informing art (interactive multimedia installations e.g. MoMA and performance art using invisible sensing technologies of
  • Eliot, Charles William, ed. A Philiosophical Enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. The Harvard Classics, Vol. 24, Part 2, New York: Collier and Son Comp., 1909.
  • Charles A. Csuri is an artist and computer graphics pioneer and Professor, at The Ohio State University. He exhibited his paintings in New York City from 1955-1965. His early work is in the collections of Walter P. Chrysler, movie actor Jose Ferrer,
  • Djehan Kidd is an "immersive" artist & pionneer of the metaverse, she is based in France and Venice in Italy. She creates the largest and longest running futuristic city in the metaverse since 2007 as part of the mission of the cultural non profit
  • Lillian F. Schwartz is best known for her pioneering work in the use of computers for what has since become known as computer-generated art and computer-aided art analysis, including graphics, film, video, animation, special effects, Virtual Reality