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  • Paradise Tossed -
    "Paradise Tossed" by Jill Scott gives the opportunity - from the point of view of a woman - to explore four different apartments and their technical equipment in different time periods. "Paradise Lost" or "Tossed"? "Paradise Tossed" is a
  • Fugitive -
    Fugitive is an interactive artwork which (via a machine vision system) interprets gross bodily movement as an indicator of "mood". The user moves through an impressionistic visual experience based in a digital video database. The question of
  • Lin Pey Chwen’s oeuvre extends from sculpture to interactive digital installations. Over the course of more than twenty years, her work encompasses a unique approach to media art and technology exploring a critical understanding of contemporary
  • ADA Artist Interview with Lin Pey ChwenArchive of Digital ArtText & Interview by Alejandro Quiñones are your current projects?I will continue working
  • GEORGE LEGRADYFrom analog to digitalThe Archive of Digital Art, 05/2023Text & Interview by Alejandro Quiñones Roa“George Legrady’s work spans almost four decades and incorporates a range fromanalog photography to digital interactive
  • George Legrady has exhibited across the world and is widely recognized as one of the early digital artists that researched the semiotic and cultural implications of software-produced images. His work encompasses a wide range of digital experiments
  • FLEISCHMANN /STRAUSSThe Archive of Digital Art, 12/2023Text by Alejandro Quiñones RoaInterview by Carla Zamora and Alejandro Quiñones RoaMonika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss, art collective and professors from Germany, are esteemedfigures
  • .. making visible that which is not before our eyes, that which is not directly evident nor exposed to the view ..
  • Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss, renowned German art collective and professors, have made significant contributions to the realm of digital media art and interactive installations. Pioneers in the field, they have not only created immersive
  • .. The wide spectrum of his research projects includes: media archaeology of Latin America, 3D-modelling of Photogrammetry technology and data-translation into digital media ..