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  • ... in front of them. The image is a half octagonal cylinder, divided into three parts that can each be freely moved about in the...
  • ... The computer-generated image is a spherical object that is divided along a curved line into two parts. The two operators using...
  • ... related. A finely perforated projection screen was visibly divided into sixteen sections. Behind each section was a speaker...
  • ... be interactively manipulated over a rectangular plane that was divided like a game board into a grid of 64 squares. A map on surface...
  • Inter Caetera Divina -
    ... refers to the 1493 proclamation by Pope Alexander VI that divided the New World between Spain and Portugal.
  • 4 Space -
    ... screen. The image is a half octagonal cylinder that is divided into three intricate parts, each controlled by one of the...
  • ... location of this workshop is a museum or gallery. The group is divided into pairs, one stays in workshop room and the other walks...
  • ... era percibido en el medioevo en los algoritmos de las máquinas digitales. Notes on arrays of form: The pen plotted "Visions of... her major prophetic work, Scivias, around 26 visions divided in three parts (6,7,13). Her work includes hymns composed with...
  • Recombinant Icon -
    ... (a process of recombinance). In this work the screen is divided into two sections. The left-hand side shows a 32 x 32 grid,...
  • Fascinum -
    ... one may understand how at the end, the gazing subject will be divided between on the one hand, a fluctuating deadly whole he...