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  • Environments: Memories, Serpentarium, Village, Terrarium By penetrating in OUROBOROS’ PLACES we experience the poetic existence in memescapes, inhabiting within artificial landscapes no longer made of earth, but of memory units. Interfaces and
  • This work associates Virtual Reality with Multimedia through a narrative intuitive percourse. Designed for a multi-user interface platform that combines motion capture and virtual reality. Up to seven participants can interact with the application.
  • Senseboard -
    Senseboard is one facet of our using tangible media for manipulating abstract information. It allows the user to arrange small magnetic pucks on a grid, where each puck represents a piece of information to be organized, such as a message, file,
  • Trapped rocket -
    Trapped Rocket futility and expectation in a Euclidean universe, 2006, 2008 Trapped Rocket is a 4.9Mb software involving a simple simulation of a guided missile, trapped between 3 pairs of opposing views (a cube) while trying to reach its
    Part II is a live dance theater performance with master improviser and former William Forsythe/Ballett Frankfurt dancer Michael Schumacher. During the fifty minute work, the spectators experience a person undergoing the traumatic transformation of
  • DIGITAL MONSTERS DON'T BLEED An algorithm is a distinct method of instructions for calculating and solving a problem or a set of problems. It consists of a number of well-defined individual steps and can, for instance, be implemented to execute a
  • Mark J. Stock's work is suffused with highly dynamic and detail rich imagery that is often indistinguishable whether it originated in the natural world or in a highly evolved virtual platform. Stock's process is algorithmically based; with his
  • This forkbomb is a kind of poetic virus. If its visually attractive line of only thirteen characters is entered into the command line of a Unix system and the enter key is pressed, within seconds the computer will crash because the devious little
  • Terrarium -
    TERRARIUM II net based installation explores in the physic space a ground with rocks and a topography where virtual serpents live. The space offers an immersive virtual reality networked environment which allows people to create and control
  • What would life be like if it were made from computer algorithms rather than flesh and blood? Artificial Life is the name given to the simulation of natural forms and processes using materials other than those found in nature. It is not so much a