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  • ... with optics engineer Joseph Howard between 2003 - 2005. (source:...
  • ... "IO_lavoro immateriale" von Knowbotic Research dar, die aus zwei in...
  • ... able or willing to do so. (knowbotic research)
  • ... Public Domain Scanner, visitors can select "Minds of Concern" groups,... to people worldwide. (knowbotic research)
  • Knowbotic Research investigates in the context of the "war of terror" legal...
  • Passion5 -
    ... the laboratory as a mobile scanner, which is also hit and... The intervention of Knowbotic Research includes several, sometimes contradictory...
  • Room for Manoeuvre -
    ... an exhibition that would show how the divide between the so-called... features new works by Knowbotic Research (KRcF), known for...
  • Be prepared tiger -
    ... of a stealthboat as shown in a Tamil Tiger propaganda video...
  • My Black Cat -
    ... environment in which everybody can 'be creative', be rebellious, play... In a series of 'test cases', Knowbotic Research investigate the construction of...
  • ... edited by Knowbotic ResearchVol.3. Wien: Passagen...