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  • ... artist, using video, drawing and found objects to explore various themes. His videos...
  • ... sound and light sculptures, vibrational objects, resonant spaces, and interactive...
  • ... Finnland, a bed is the medium for high definition images: images of a partner, perhaps...
  • Telematic Vision -
    ... between both locations. Assisted by the object of the sofa and the scenario of the...
  • Telematic Encounter -
    ... wood in colour. This allows only these objects, and the user, to be keyed on top of the...
  • ... design that are introduced toward this objective. The table is no less complex, but in...
  • Handsight
    ... and the virtual by correlating a physical object with its virtual representation. This...
  • ... game to fulfill its underlying aesthetic objectives. Needing cooperation and some skill,...
  • ... computer-generated image is a spherical object that is divided along a curved line into...
  • ... is a specific scenography of images and objects that are arranged inside this shared...