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  • Galapagos -
    ... selecting which organisms they find most aesthetically interesting and standing on step...
  • Genetic Images -
    ... stand on sensors in front of the most aesthetically pleasing images to select which ones...
  • ... of the world about us. His responses, aesthetic yet playful, conceal a...
  • OSMOSE - video
    ... of most 3D-computer graphics, the visual aesthetic of Osmose is semi- representational /...
  • ... moment; a sensory impression achieved synaesthetically where hand and eye fuse. This quality...
  • ... different mode of physical engagement and aesthetic experience. The sound researcher Holger...
  • ... (1991) has been developed in a different aesthetic direction. The game as a primary...
  • ... separated from each other can share an aesthetic figuration in the televirtual space. ...
  • ... individual picture) is the subject of the aesthetic experience. Each image is shown for only...
  • ... the written language, and gives special aesthetic emphasis to the digital (binary)...