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  • An inflatable tube made from transparent plastic, 250 metres long and 3 metres in diameter, was placed over the Mach lake connecting its opposite banks. This air-filled floating bridge had airlock revolving doors at each end, and its pliable floor
  • Crossing Talks is a space of non-communication. Every room made up of walls/images, people talking to other people like speaking to themselves. Only one wall at a time connect us to people far away or via the Internet. Like on a life raft, the
  • Art Impact, Collective Retinal Memory includes several parallel subject matters. The exposition La Beauté en Avignon ('Beauty in Avignon') constitutes the work’s material. The public online or in the Pompidou Centre can actually see some
  • Landscape One -
    Four walls of a space are "painted", with video projectors, into a single photo realistic 360º landscape representing a public garden. The space, set in Montreal's Mont-Royal Parc, is being visited by real and virtual characters. If the
  • During the exhibition of Pockets full of Memories in the Centre Pompidou 20000 visitors came to view the installation and contributed over 3000 objects in their possession, digitally scanning and describing them. This information was stored in a
  • Chance Encounters -
    Chance Encounters is a computer generated installation presented on video displays at the 7th and Metro Subway station platforms in Los Angeles, as part of the Experimental Art for Riders program. The theme of the installation is the chance
  • "Last Entry: Bombay, 1st of July" is a collaborative documentary about a person, identity and gender unknown - a flaneur in the cultural space of the internet. Inspired by the novel "Orlando", written by Virginia Woolf in 1928, that reads like a
  • Deep Contact -
    The next interactive piece, DEEP CONTACT (1989), directly involves the body of the viewer/participant who were required to touch the computerscreen. Viewers choreograph their own encounters in the vista of voyeurism by actually putting their hand on
  • Room of One`s Own -
    ROOM OF ONE'S OWN (1993) forces the viewers eyes to become immersed into the actual space of a tiny articulated interactive electronic peep show. A stainless steel box placed at eye level with movable periscopic viewing device bridges the
  • zgodlocator -
    Zgodlocator is a memory machine that functions according to the magnetic principles of a computer’s hard disk and organizes tiny metal particles. In Zgodlocator these particles are in fact ground computer parts that are magnetically sensitive.