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  • Artist: Sandra De BerduccyComment:
  • GENMA - video
    GENMA is a machine, that enables us to manipulate 'Nature'. Nature exemplary is represented as artificial nature of a micro scale: abstract amoeboid artificial three-dimensional forms and shapes. Principles of artificial life and
  • A Commodore Amiga hyper-media computer programme, based on the theme of a media reported event from the 1990 Remembrance Ceremony in Whitehall, London. A young man ran out from the crowd and set fire to himself and shouted the words "think about the
  • Memory Theater VR is an example of a virtual museum that embodies original architectural, interface and visualization strategies that converge the experience of real and virtual formations. The installation itself is set inside a cylindrical space,
  • Artificial Landscapes -
    'Artificial Landscapes' were Land Art projects in the form of a series of photographic collages, a few of which were actually realized: Cloud of Daytime Sky at Night, Water Totems, Sandquake, Grassroll and Brickhill. These projects typically
  • Sandquake -
    Long lengths of polythene tubing were buried in the sand at a beach in the Camargue in France. This tubing was then slowly inflated so that it gradually rose up and erupted out of the sand.
  • Three inflatable pavilions, each having a specific function, were specially commissioned for Sonsbeek buiten de perken. Besides the Information Pavilion, an air supported semi-sphere covered with sythetic grass, and the Video Studio, a tensile
  • Points of View II - Babel addressed issues relating to the Falklands War. It was made using the same functional and iconographic structures as Points of View I, but with a differing content.In BABEL hieroglyphs were used to articulate a
  • The installation was made specifically for the neo-Gothic Vleeshal in Middelburg and consisted of a computer graphics video projection onto a large screen at the far end of the room opposite the entrance. Infra-red sensors and seven pairs of blue
  • Paula Strunden studied architecture in Vienna, Paris and London and worked at Raumlabor Berlin and Herzog & de Meuron Basel. Currently she pursues her design-led PhD within the European network TACK at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Her work