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  • Genetic Images -
    ...Genetic Images is a media installation in which visitors can interactively "evolve" abstract still...
  • Liquid Selves -
    ... to disassemble and reconstruct various images. Artificial evolution and interpolation of...
  • Life Spacies - video
    ... each other through evolutionary forms and images. "Life Spacies" enables visitors to...
  • ... each other through evolutionary forms and images. Through the "Life SpaciesII" web page,...
  • HAZE Express - video
    ... in it. The passing landscapes become mere images, accumulations of forms, shapes and colors,...
  • VERBARIUM - video
    ... functions. It provides constantly new images that are not any more pre-defined by the...
  • PICO_SCAN - video
    ... color values provided by the users video image.
  • ...s of Ambiguity within Electronic Space - A series of image files produced on a Commodore Amiga computer...
  • Earth Signals -
    ... six Commodore Amiga computers displaying image files, received via E-mail from Artists...
  • ... a bed is the medium for high definition images: images of a partner, perhaps many...