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  • ... pulses being sampled continuously and the heart pulse measurements of the visitor, the algorithm will generate new types of...
  • ... implement a collection of rapid cuts to experiment with social meaning while his drawings play with gestures to reveal personal...
  • GENMA - video
    ... creation, GENMA also wants to address the question of what it means to manipulate and what impact it will have on us in the future....
  • PICO_SCAN - video
    ...PICO_SCAN is an interactive installation that allows users to measure and capture their users various body data and links them to the creation...
  • Earth Signals -
    ...Earth Signals - A telematic "leaf shaped" installation structure housing six Commodore Amiga computers displaying image files, received via...
  • ... ‘Other body movements we make here. We contort and bend over, meandering along the acoustic expressions. We listen and mix the...
  • conFIGURING the Cave -
    ... in many cultures of conjecturing the body as the locus and measure of all things. At the same time it puts that tradition in a...
  • ... or end. Conceived as a cinematic expansion of pictorial means, the process of making thousands of drawings (rather than any...
  • ... it to be concurrent with the ambient lighting in the museum, meaning a coherent collage of the projected images with the...
  • ... is compensated by a predistortion of the generated imagery by means of software that acts on the object coordinates of the virtual...