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  • A human sized real kaleidoscope creates colorized feedback patterns from faces. Exhibited at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the SIGGRAPH 1988 Art Show in Atlanta.
  • ...This video shows results from a research project involving simulated Darwinian evolutions of virtual...
  • ... which are simultaneously displayed on a video screen in front of the viewers. By producing...
  • ... Bo Lee is a contemporary artist, using video, drawing and found objects to explore...
  • PICO_SCAN - video
    ... interface device and 5 plasma video screens. When the user picks up the...
  • ...In Telematic Dreaming (1992) a live telematic video installation linking two sites first exhibited at...
  • Telematic Séance -
    ... with a chroma key blue table cloth. A video camera will be situated directly above me,...
  • Telematic Vision -
    ... locations. In front of each sofa stands a video monitor and camera. The video camera in each...
  • ...Texts Bombs and Videotape - A 24 hour fax, E-mail and SlowScan TV event presented as a telematic...
  • Telematic Encounter -
    ... teleconferencing link, enabling audio and video communication between the two sites. The...