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  • Genetic Images -
    ...Genetic Images is a media installation in which visitors can interactively "evolve" abstract still...
  • ... and technology, with an interest in the mediation of perception by technical devices. He...
  • ... programme, based on the theme of a media reported event from the 1990 Remembrance...
  • Conversation -
    ... Kac’s work questions the structures, mediations, and ultimately the supremacy of vision...
  • ... USA. As a critique of the Gulf War media coverage for the Watershed Media Center in...
  • Telematic Encounter -
    ... experimental use of the teleconferencing media.
  • ... technology is very visible - akin to a media lab environment. The telepresent interfaces...
  • ... It is an example of the fact that it is media art that provides the blueprints for...
  • The Dante Cupboard -
    ...This mixed-media sculpture extended over the gallery floor so that the viewers had to walk over it.
  • Book Plumbing -
    ...This was a mixed-media installation using books in various ways, a material which John Latham was using...