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  • A-Volve - video
    ... and a new creature can be born. It carries the genetic code of its parents. Mutation...
  • ... aesthetic yet playful, conceal a carefully-observed commentary on the digitisation...
  • ... BOLGERI & MARÍN is an art duo formed by Carla Bolgeri and Francisco Marín that lives between...
  • Trans Plant - video
    ... screen in front of him. By walking freely and without any devices , he soon will...
  • ... a child. Offspring creatures will then carry the genetic code of the parent creatures and...
  • HAZE Express - video
    ... the window of vehicles such as trains, cars and air planes. When looking at a landscape...
  • OSMOSE - video
    ... space encountered is a three-dimensional Cartesian Grid which functions as an orientation...
  • Telematic Encounter -
    ... consists of a table and chair on a carpet surrounded by three monitors. A camera,...
  • ... is chroma-key blue - a blue box backdrop, carpet and table. i.e. only the chair and the...
  • ... borrows from the myth of the magic carpet to move through data. The magic carpet,...