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... at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the SIGGRAPH 1988 Art Show in Atlanta.
... collection, computational environments become the most significant source of inspiration for his works. In this sense, a...
...Earth Signals - A telematic "leaf shaped" installation structure housing six Commodore Amiga computers displaying image files, received via...
... of the puppet cause specific visual events to occur. Most significantly it is the action of moving the puppet's hands to...
... window. This tubing was then taken into the street and used to signal the boundaries of controversial urban renewal planning in this...
...Points of View was a 'theatre of signs' with both stage and protagonists being provided by a three-dimensional computer graphics simulation that...
... this edifice was a stepped pyramid that carried the following signs (from top to bottom): BE PERMAMENT TO POSSESS - TO GOVERN/TO...
... column stands on a round black terrazzo base inlaid with brass signs representing a Hebraic astrological map. This column has a...
... connected to a computer which digitally processes the incoming signal in real time so that the processed image of the spectator face...
... he interactively rifles through a large number of images that signalise many of the major social uprisings and revolutions over the...