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  • ... peut interpeler. Au fil des questions qui lui sont posées, Rebecca parle de ses correspondances, Lotti Parle de son travail au...
  • The Bush Soul (#2) -
    ... as a three screen panoramic immersive environment. (Rebecca Allen) a three screen panoramic immersive environment. (Rebecca Allen)
  • ... audience to a performance in a way not previously explored. (Rebecca Allen) to a performance in a way not previously explored. (Rebecca Allen)
  • The Bush Soul (#3) -
    ... virtual soul. Funded in part by Intel Research Council. (Rebecca Allen) soul. Funded in part by Intel Research Council. (Rebecca Allen)
  • The Bush Soul (#1) -
    ... role of human presence in a world of artificial life. (Rebecca Allen) of human presence in a world of artificial life. (Rebecca Allen)
  • Twisted Turtle -
    ... 300 monitor video installation at the Taejon World Expo. (Rebecca Allen) video installation at the Taejon World Expo. (Rebecca Allen)
  • Point of Departure -
    ... with a state-of-the-art E&S flight simulation system. (Rebecca Allen) a state-of-the-art E&S flight simulation system. (Rebecca Allen)
  • Coexistence -
    ... that integrates breathing sensors and haptic feedback. (Rebecca Allen) integrates breathing sensors and haptic feedback. (Rebecca Allen)
  • Fleeting Words -
    ... Commissioned for Art Futura 91 in Barcelona, Spain. (Rebecca Allen) for Art Futura 91 in Barcelona, Spain. (Rebecca Allen)
  • Creation Myth -
    ... on Palladium's 50 monitor video display system. (Rebecca Allen) Palladium's 50 monitor video display system. (Rebecca Allen)