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  • OSMOSE - video
    ... complexity is a sampling of a male and female voice. with 3D computer graphics and interactive 3D sound, a... is a sampling of a male and female voice.
  • ... of kilometers away, live and in close proximity. The clear...
  • ... museum visitors became concrete and realistic presences in the...
  • ... architectural, interface and visualization strategies that...
  • ... performance of professional female mud wrestlers. The film Continuous Sound and Image Moments (1966) was projected onto a live... performance of professional female mud wrestlers.
  • ... promotes the recognition of female pioneers in xR. nden studied architecture in Vienna, Paris and London and worked at Raumlabor... and promotes the recognition of female pioneers in xR.
  • ... with eight virtual female characters, based on the histories... periods: 1900, 1930, 1960 and 1990. All eight characters dream of... confronted with eight virtual female characters, based on the...
  • ... about a person, identity and gender unknown - a flaneur in the...
  • ...Ventilationsystem for a ShoeArtist: Andrea ZappComment:
  • Little Sister -
    ... with closed circuit television and global surveillance camera...