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  • A human sized real kaleidoscope creates colorized feedback patterns from faces. Exhibited at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the SIGGRAPH 1988 Art Show in Atlanta.
  • This video shows results from a research project involving simulated Darwinian evolutions of virtual block creatures. A population of several hundred creatures is created within a supercomputer, and each creature is tested for their ability to
  • Anthroposcope Concept Anthroposcope is an interactive installation involving a microscope, a real plant and a fingertip pulse sensor. The heart bit sensor being clipped onto the visitor's fingertip, he or she can explore through the viewfinder of
  • RADIANCE. The International Research Platform For Virtual Reality Experiences in Art
  • "Interactive Plant Growing" is an installation, which deals with the principle of the growth of virtual plant organisms and their change and modification in real time in the 3-dimensional virtual space of a 4D Graphics Computer (Silicon Graphics).
  • A-Volve - video
    In the interactive real-time environment "A-Volve" visitors interact with virtual creatures in the space of a water filled glass pool.These virtual creatures are products of evolutionary rules and influenced by human creation and decision.
  • Artist: HANNA HAASLAHTIComment:
  • Artist: Jürgen HaglerComment:
  • Dominic Harris (London, 1976) is an artist who uses technology to construct highly personal interpretations of the natural phenomena which surround us. His reverence for nature, coupled with his fascination for code, offers a surreal and whimsical
  • "I am an artist, researcher, hacker dedicated to exploring new modes of expression and play."