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  • ...REAL VIRTUALITYArtist: Tomas RullerComment:
  • "Standby Deliver" - consists of steel plates facing each other and moving back and forth attached to activating motors. Underneath is a lit glass sugar molecule. Visitors have access to chewing gum, which they chew and stick to the plates, which
  • ... nature of television light and how it is used to seduce and compel the viewer into a kind of hypnotic and passive inaction-while...
  • Watchers
    ... nature of television light and how it is used to seduce and compel the viewer into a kind of hypnotic and passive inaction....
  • ... sculptures designed to explore interspecies and transpecies communication. These could best be termed as “biocybernetic”...
  • Digital Imaging -
    ... abstract constructions that consist of scans of original items composited in Photoshop and textures and line brought in with Adobe...
  • ... ritual. Bodies connected by interfaces dialogue with computer electronic memories and can experience "virtual...
  • Migrations -
    A web of relationships through the displacement of the visitor's body in the room space, apprehending the moving figures of the tapes embedded in the columns and the frozen figures of frames from the video "migrações", which are gradually enlarged
  • Text Rain
    Text Rain is an interactive installation designed to blur the boundaries between physical and virtual space. Viewers play with falling text which responds to their motion. The text may be caught, lifted and released to fall again. If participants
  • ... signals from biological systems translating them into computing paradigms. Neural Networks as an artificial braim, receive...