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  • ... Goldfinger/Frankfurt, World Wide Video Festival/Amsterdam, ICA/London,...
  • ... New Dutch Landscape in Photography and Video Art, George Eastman House, Rochester, NY,...
  • ... la veracidad de la imagen fotográfica o videográfica se degrada, deja de ser una huella de...
  • .. interested in the poetry and metaphysics of new technologies. He has created a series of award-winning works that probe the expressive power of new technologies to ask questions about the world ..
  • Home Transfer -
    ... online. The site features streaming video of architects discussing a cultural paradigm...
  • ... in Karlsruhe ZKM, stellt restaurierte Videoarbeiten aus den letzten vierzig Jahren vor,...
  • ... (Was hört das Netz ?) in 2017 See a short video documentary (HD, 2:32 min, stereo, created for...
  • Haunted Media -
    ... a space for disembodied communication. TV & video similarly were seen to create an ‘uncanny...
  • ... are both virtual and physical; digital video; a generative visual system including 4...
  • ... views", as well as an endless 5-minute video loop simulating a travelling-shot through...