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  • ... or unexperienced processes. For a long time my work was concerned with the information...
  • is an interactive artwork presented for the first time at Ars Electronica (Linz, Austria). It won...
  • Stream I Stream II -
    ... version is on exhibition at the same time they also function in the same way, in effect...
  • ... includes prints of the stolen faces, a local version of the Lovely Faces dating website,... under surveillance and r ecorded for all time. Its structure invites you to first replicate...
  • ... combining these two research areas: Web, TIME, LIQST_liquid state, and Landscape, In...
  • Survey of Prints -
    ... within a two-mile radius since that time. His parents were active in resisting the...
  • ... life. They are effective and at the same time mysterious source codes developed by an elite...
  • Home Transnfer -
    ... this topic. The work has evolved over time on the basis of these interactions recorded...
  • ... Media Communication and AI. For the first time, was presented at the CAST01...
  • Feeding Consciousness -
    ... structure. This is the first real-time data-fed artwork created by Harris and is his...