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  • Ken Rinaldo is internationally recognized for interactive art installations developing hybrid ecologies with animals, algorithms, plants, and bacterial cultures. His art/science practice serves as a platform for hacking complex social, biological,
  • Bismarck, Julius von. Animals Are Dumb and Plants Even Dumber. Bielefeld: Kerber, 2016.
  • .. an artist, writer and curator, who has worked in the field of Bio Art since the late Nineties ..
  • VR Aquarium - video
    VR AQUARIUM offered immersion in VR at the digital cavern of the NTAV Lab, installed at the Museum of Natural Sciences of the University of Caxias do Sul. The environment aesthetical appeal was the augmented reality and telepresence which enhanced
  • Fernfühler beleben den öffentlichen Raum und bringen Gestalt und Gestaltung in das Bewusstein der Öffentlichkeit. Fernfühler können auch spielen, da sie mit anderen Fernfühlern verbunden sind und diese (bzw. die Menschen, die auf ihnen sitzen) in
  • Tessarae of Venus -
    Tesserae of Venus imagines a strange future through dynamic photomontages of energy-producing landscapes and related drawings. McPhee borrows from the tectonics of Venus-tesserae, or ‘complex ridged folds,’ in order to structure her images of
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Interaktive Echtzeit – Computerinstallation auf der Light Emotions in Hannover In Licht International: Planung – Design – Technik – Handel, , 206-207. München, DE: Pflaum Verlag, 1996.
  • Event: From the Pink Miniskirt to the Green BunnyInstitution: La Plaque TournanteComment:
  • Installation vidéo interactive utilisant quatre ordinateurs en réseau munis de plaques tactiles, quatre lecteurs vidéosiques et quatre projecteurs vidéo. Quatre écrans, quatre personnages (Rebecca, Lotti, Benoit et Monsieur Gurtner) qui
  • The Blue Station -
    Conceived in collaboration with the French architect Jean Nouvel , won the co m petition to create Paris 's first interactive subway station in the heart of Paris . Funded by the RATP (Parisian Transport Company) this unique project is meant to be a