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  • Acentria
    video 4,'54 The video is dedicated to a friend, renowned Slovenian composer, academic and pianist JM, who passionately celebrated the miracle of music and life in everything he did. RIP JM (1926–2022).
  • AMRO - Art Meets Radical Openness Festival dedicated to Art, Hacktivism and Open Culture
  • Diana DominguesThe Archive of Digital Art, 07/2023Text, Editing & Interview by Carla ZamoraShe has an immense and multifaceted body of work, revealing an enormous talentopening to multiple dimensions. (…) And in my opinion, the contents in
  • Pupil
    Pupil is an album dedicated to the non-human animals that accompany us in life, to the distance, to the learning of a language that is not one's own, that babbles. It is composed with different digital techniques that include but are not limited to
  • Media Forum 2006 -
    During preparation to this year MEDIA FORUM Alexey Isaev (1960-2006), our ideological leader and theoretician, died. This tragedy brought us to two immanent conclusions: • dedicate MEDIA FORUM 2006 to Alexey Isaev memory; • select as a theme for the
  • Borderroad -
    Print on aluminium composite panel Modern high-tech border walls demonstrate how political solutions are being replaced by technical interventions. A clear illustration is the buttressing of “Fortress Europe” around the Spanish exclaves Ceuta and
  • Last Life -
    Connectez votre webcam qui filme une partie de votre vie, de votre environnement ou du monde réel alentours. Le Reality Show appliqué au jeu vidéo en ligne Votre webcam devient une fenêtre dans Last Life, la dernière vie, la votre. Si les autres
  • Suburban Meditation -
    Suburban Meditation (2003-2009) This installation is a commentary on the worship of materiaism in American Suburbia, The inspiration dedrives from the weekly practice of lawn mowing in suburban Baton Rouge Louisiana after visiting the Ryoan-Ji Zen
  • Art Impact, Collective Retinal Memory includes several parallel subject matters. The exposition La Beauté en Avignon ('Beauty in Avignon') constitutes the work’s material. The public online or in the Pompidou Centre can actually see some
  • THE MEDUSA PROJECT (AUTOBIOGRAPHY) refers to the relationship between women and power as depicted in both ancient mythology, and in postmodern culture. It represents my attempt to directly merge personal history and influences into the production of