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  • ...Hershman, Lynn. Touch-Sensitivity and Other Forms of Subversion: Interactive Artwork Leonardo 26, no. 5 (1993): 431-436.
  • ...Hershman, Lynn. Touch-Sensitivity and other Forms of Subversion: Interactive Artwork In Women, Art, and Technology, edited by Judy Malloy, 192-205. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003.
  • Tower
    ...Tower is an interactive literary art work where the computer listens to and anticipates what is to be said by those interacting with it. A self-learning system, as the inter-actor speaks the computer displays the next words, in the order of frequency in its database....
  • ...Tracking the Net is a collective, interactive platform, a multi-user interface platform that combines motion capture and virtual reality. The installation has been projected to host interactive teams, which can experience a shared environment in local and in remote...
  • ...Fischnaller, Franz. Tracking The Net, Interactive Art In IX Festival internacional de video y multimedia de Canarias, Mediafest, edited by Canarias Mediafest, 123-128. Canarias, Spain: 2000.
  • Trans Plant - video
    ..."Trans Plant" is a interactive computer installation, developed by Sommerer & Mignonneau for the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography and displayed there for a period of 3 years. In "Trans Plant" visitors enter a semi-circled room and become part of a virtual...
  • ...The interactive installation offers exchanges of body signals using a sensorized carpet to capture people displacements. The information are sent to a neural network which mangage the artificial system and gives life to the physic environment. A big wall in front of...
  • ... visions sprouting from the rock In my installation people have "visions" beyond the real receiving shamanic powers from interactive technologies that allow them to modify the rock wall. The shaman believes that the rock has special power and it is a...
  • ...Augmented Reality public art project, 4-channel video installation and interactive online map. Tamiko Thiel augments the neighborhood of Lehel in Munich with visions, texts, maps, the dreams of local residents and scientific findings. The monumental video installation...
  • ...Transitory Objects, Transformers 84/04 Interactive Installation, Oeiras FestivalArtist: Patrícia GouveiaComment: