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  • The Golden Seed is a single-channel video, a moving votive image that celebrates the cycles of fertility: birth, death, regeneration. In its installation form: A dark passage leads into the underworld. In a low cave, light streams from a votive
  • In separate installations of the History Apparatus, the artist planted in each location a stump from a tree that had lived over a hundred years: on the central square of Neumarkt in the town of Arnsberg and on the terrace of the Neue Nationalgalerie
  • Deep rooted vision, profound and ingrained, the splendour of human or artificial intelligence having the capacity to master and enrich innovative scientific solutions whilst unravelling problematic complexities. In creating these artworks: ‘Measure
  • Phototropy - video
    "Phototropy" is a biological expression describing the force, that keeps organisms or organs, like for example bacteria or plants, following the light, in order to get nutrition and hence, to survive. The interactive computer installation
  • Conversation -
    Prompting a continuum between nature and culture, between species, and among the senses, Kac’s work questions the structures, mediations, and ultimately the supremacy of vision in art, while promoting synesthetic experiences that rearticulate
  • Gallery of Motions -
    A sculpture garden and gallery where even the plants and buildings move, with tours conducted by an animated guide. The garden is comprised of exhibits including kinetic objects based on the Philippine wine dance and three-dimensional harmonic
  • The Eighth Day -
    The Eighth Day -- The Eighth Day is a transgenic artwork that investigates the new ecology of fluorescent creatures that is evolving worldwide. The Eighth Day was shown from October 25 to November 2, 2001 at the Institute for Studies in the Arts,
  • Scatter -
    "Scatter" documents dispersals of iris seeds, plants and pollen outside of Gessert's Garden.
  • My first project “Protrude, Flow used six electromagnets. But, the electromagnets occasionally prevented people from viewing the moving liquid. To solve this problem and to simplify the work, I discovered a new technique called “Ferrofluid
  • TeleZone Overview -
    "Telezone" builds on many of the ideas of Ken Goldberg's earlier "Telegarden" (1995) also at the Ars Electronica Center, and allows a community of people to collaboratively create architectonic structures--and by extension social structures--at a