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  • ... National Air and Space Museum (NASM). This film is... She developed the concept of "Renaissance... Infinite Voyage: Unseen Worlds," featured her as a...
  • ...Rome & Juliet in Hades is based on the play by Shakespeare. There are... involved in the movie world and experience the story....
  • ... neighborhoods creates a space of rememberance that users... Virtuelle Mauer/ReConstructing the Wall is a virtual reality (VR)... through the virtual world with a simple joystick,...
  • ... and Realities, Acoustic Space Journal 18 (2018). Pearlman, Ellen. The Approaching Storm Open Fields, Virtualities and...
  • ... own three dimensional space. These phantoms reenact a... Work in Progress. The viewer enters a darkened room...
  • ... work, and virtual spaces from around the world.... spaces from around the world. Some significant... spaces from around the world. Some significant computer...
  • ... of a completely enclosed space without an audience— chose... of participants from the general public influenced and... also to serve as a real world laboratory to test out new...
  • The Berlin Files -
    ... for the exhibition space. In previous works, such as... you_ but someone at the next table is talking....
  • ... art practice considers the reciprocal roles of... ourselves and our world. She explores these ideas...
    ...Celeste embodies the idea of the digital unification of different... locations around the world. Through a beacon equipped...