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  • ...Penny, Simon. Virtual Bodybuilding In Virtual Zone Anthology, edited by Tapio Mäkelä and Minna VaisanenTurku: Turun yliopiston ylioppilaskunta, 1992.
  • Virtual Book -
    ...Virtual Book : Augmentation of a real book boosted by semantic text analysis. The Virtual Book (2006) The concept of the book as an interactive knowledge structure was inspired by Marvin Minsky's vision from the early 1990s. He said, "Can you imagine that there used...
  • ...Burns, David R.. Virtual Borders and Surveillance in the Digital Age International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics 3, no. 3 (2007): 325-341.
  • ...Presented paper "Virtual Borders and Surveillance in the Digital Age :: Visit-US" and screened 3D computer animation, "Visit-US," at ISEA 2008. SESSION TITLE: BORDER RECKONINGS, BORDER CROSSINGS 2 (CHAIR: FLORIAN SCHNEIDER)
  • ...Manovich, Lev. Virtual Cave Dwellers: Siggraph ´92 Afterimage 20, no. 3 (October 1992): 3-4.
  • ...Event: Virtual CommunitiesInstitution: Madeira TechnopoloComment:
  • Virtual Concrete -
    Virtual Concrete consists of six 3-ft slabs of concrete covered with large electrostatic (digital output) prints, along with light sensors and a computer connected to the Internet via a CU-SeeMe camera. The website concrete allows viewers to see the...
  • ...Wertheim, Margaret. Virtual Ecology .
  • ...O`Donoghue, Karl. Virtual Ecology: The Work of Char Davies In Thought Lines 3: An Anthology of Research, edited by Paul O´Brien, 284-294. Dublin: National College of Art and Design, 1999.
  • ...Furness, Thomas A. III. and Barfield Woodrow, ed. Virtual Environements and Advanced Interface Design. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.