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  • Extended Family -
    ... conserved in other species. The work is presented as an installation...
  • FACT Centre -
    ... contractors who installed the work has caused many of the vertical...
  • ... This quality distinguishes this work and others created in subsequent...
  • homunculus.nimbus -
    ... third iteration of a previous work called, homunculus.agora, which...
  • ... of universal unity. In her work we notice procedures of a new...
  • ... to the digital realm. Her work explores the nature of...
    ...The video work Pulsation presents pulsating light phenomena, the bodily and the...
  • ... makes reference to the defining work of the Beat Generation’s Jack...
  • ... design, and his designs are at work every day in the hands of brokers...
  • Heliotrope -
    ... the Algerian born author. His works often featured the extreme north...