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  • Performance, wall piece, 6 b&w inkjet prints, 27" LCD monitor, video loop, sound, dimensions variable. On life and mortality
  • Everitt, Dave and Ernest Edmonds and Michael Macaulay and Greg Turner. On physiological computing with an application in interactive art Interacting with Computers Volume 16, Issue 5, no. (October
  • Systems Maintenance consists of three versions of a furnished room. An ensemble of life-sized furniture occupies a large circular platform on the floor, a virtual room is displayed on a computer monitor, and a 1/8 size physical scale model of the
  • A performative event by Tamiko Thiel and the U|D|K as Artist in Residence at Goethe-Institut Second Life
  • Triggerhappy -
    Triggerhappy is a gallery installation whose format will be familiar to anyone who has encountered that early arcade game, Space Invaders combining an absurd quest for information with an old-fashioned shoot-em-up computer game. In this, it
  • Thiel, Tamiko. Machina Cogitans In Genetic art - artificial life, edited by Karl Gerbel, 186-194. Wien: PVS-Verlag, 1993.
  • Seed/Tree - video
    SEED /TREE (2005) Installation/Butoh Performance/Live Electronics This project was created during an “artist in residence” program at the ZKM (Centre for Media Art in Karlsruhe, Germany). Feelings, associations, mental images and spontaneous
  • Oco
    As the cylindrical form of the three letters spins in space, the letter I appears and disappears, producing the fleeting appearance of the words "o cio" (in heat) and "ócio" (idleness).
  • "Time Jitters" is a two channel video that has been exhibited as a diptych as well as part of an interactive installation. Part 1 is a grid of twenty-five animations all of which loop at different rates becoming a cacophony of pulsing color and
  • RADIANCE. The International Research Platform For Virtual Reality Experiences in Art