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  • ... by Rieser Martin and Andrea ZappLondon: BFI...
  • ... interactive CD-ROM and computer-media... reports, identity cards, Western media reports,... The museum space currently houses the Peter Ludwig...
  • ... sculptures, and digital media works that... where she is currently working as an Associate...
  • ... to the physical and conceptual... A house made of cardboard and wood -... it stresses different codes used for...
  • ... / Ryan Gander / Andreas Greiner / Ann-Kristin... Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau / Simon Van...
  • All you can see -
    ... in single frames and result in an 8dayslong... 17 million different colours can theoretically...
  • All Changes Saved -
    ... + Ángeles Angulo, Carlo Zanni Curated by Pau...
  • ...despain, Cara. All American: Defining Ourselves in a Time of...
  • ... robots, performance, and video art. He has... Contemporary Art in Caracas, Venezuela, the...
  • ... artist, media critic and editor in chief of Neural... Academy of Art in Carrara. He is one of the...