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  • Third Person -
    ...Third Person is the second piece of the ShadowBox series of interactive displays with a built-in computerized tracking system. This piece shows the viewer's shadow revealing hundreds of tiny words that are in fact all the verbs of the dictionary conjugated in the third...
  • ... to be created. The advent of computer photographic imaging expanded this potential and led to the creation of a number of interactive works in which I was able to further push the notion of narrative interaction within the imagery. I have been...
  • TI -
    ... 2008 Muriel Cooper Prize from the Design Management Institute, the 2005 Prix Ars Electronica Golden Nica award and the 2005 Interactive Design Prize from the Tokyo Type Directors Club. Reas is a Professor of Design Media Arts at the University of...
  • ...Tiago Martins is a researcher, creator and educator working in XR and interactive media.
  • Time and Time again -
    ...Time&Time Again extends media navigation to a site-specific context with both web- and body-based interfaces. A distributed interactive installation, the piece was commissioned by the Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum in Duisburg, Germany, as part of its Connected Cities...
  • Time Capsule -
    ... a site-specific work in which the site itself is both my body and a remote database, a simulcast on TV and the Web, and interactive webscanning of my body. The live component of the piece was realized on November 11, 1997, in the context of the...
  • ..."Time Jitters" is a two channel video that has been exhibited as a diptych as well as part of an interactive installation. Part 1 is a grid of twenty-five animations all of which loop at different rates becoming a cacophony of pulsing color and flickering imagery. ...
  • Time Value -
    ...With this work Olga Kisseleva offers a perspective on current developments and cost saving in industrial business. Eight interactive electronic clocks are connected in real time on the "n-value" servers from different countries of the world. The time shown by each of...
  • Timeline
    ... getting old, for which I collected a small database of images found on the web which resonated with the lines from the poem. Interactively, the work is based on the device used in packages like Adobe Premiere and Macromedia for sequencing images, video...
  • ...Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau and Roberto Lopez-Gulliver. Time_lapse: An Immersive Interactive Environment Based on Historic Stereo Images In IEEE SMC`99 System, Man and Cybernetics Conference Proceedings, : 1999.