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  • William Kentridge describes Johannesburg, South Africa, providing a social and historical context for his animated films, including "Johannesburg, 2nd Greatest City after Paris" (1989). Excerpted from William Kentridge: Anything Is Possible, a film...
  • anyWare -
    Event: anyWareInstitution: Three simultaneous shows at three institutions Comment:
  • Event: Apocalypse 2020Institution: Equrna GalleryComment:
  • Apollo 13Artist: Roy AscottComment:
  • Apoptosis -
    Event: ApoptosisInstitution: Verbeke MuseumComment:
  • Apparatus for Self-organizationArtist: Nell TenhaafComment:
  • Apparitions -
    Artists' Statement
    Apparitions is both a physical installation at the UCSD University Art Gallery, and a computer generated virtual environment. It is the result of a collaboration between a group of artists and programmers working under the...
  • Francien Verdenius and Jorge Maya and Geke Ludden and Pieter Desmet and Andrés Burbano and Vanessa Okken and Juan Salamanca and Ad Pruyn. Appearences can be deceiving. The portal of weight and embodied meaning portrayal in product design....
  • Lisa Cianci. Applications of energy: a study of artists and entropy in the material In The Materiality of the Archive: Creative Practice in Context, edited by S. Breakell and W. Russell, 122-142. : Routledge, 2023.