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  • ... the motor of 'LAUTUNDLEISE': the work interacts with the visitors, whose behaviour influences both the selection of the words...
  • RC Robot
    ... robot (left) as a host who conversed with exhibition visitors in real time. The robot's voice was that of a human being...
  • ... looks at works that are directly influenced by the viewer. Visitors will be invited to interact with and contribute to the...
  • ... etc. Entries: 2,714 works (including 956 from overseas) Visitors: 51,828 people * The Encouragement Prize was renamed the New...
  • ... and Television Year of 1988. The concept envisaged offering visitors and participating artists an informative programme by jointly...
  • ... and virtual performers, encountered via the smartphones of the visitors. Real and virtual situations come together, and...
  • ... The exhibition presented interactive art where artists and visitors were able to initiate creative processes together; in the...
  • ... media has on the individual. The festival programme invited visitors on a visual journey from the beginnings of cinematic...
  • Colmena -
    ... depending on how the sun falls into their solar cells. Visitors of the park are invited to discover, observe and wonder about...
  • ...Responsive audiovisual installation where visitors playfully stack, as if pieces of a giant interactive puzzle, plastic bins that act as symbols...