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  • ...World I for BosniaArtist: Jenny HolzerComment:
  • in collaboration with Masayuki Towata. The observer is confronted with the dark surface of a half-mirrored glass on which blinking red LED lights and the observer’s own image is reflected. Within a short time, blue shafts of light begin to radiate
  • utHOPEia
    ... is here in perspective, looking at St Virgil, which has become part of the every day (esthétique du quotidien). By fragmenting...
    ... can also see the motion of the pole and of the audiences you communicate with on the other side of the earth.They may manipulate...
  • Two rocking chairs are installed on the floor facing each other.The audience sees no interactions between chairs. The interaction is triggered when two people from the audience sit in the chairs and rock. Each chair has a sensor and motor.These
  • ... system consisting of cheap pedometer(step meter), digital compass, micro processor, web cam and laptop computer. All the system...
  • Heartbeats -
    "Heartbeats" is an interactive art performance and/or street exhibition which meant to reveal one's personal rhythm -heartbeat- to the public in collective way. It consists of some sets of balloons which has light in it and sensor to detect
  • ... the last selected individual to create a digitally generated composite, a new 'being' who had never existed before. ...
  • GeoStickies(Unrealized) is a mobile artwork which creates an experience of accessing to information matrix overlapped onto urban space. The information is browsed through WAP/SMS service . Geostickies initiates the mobile phone carriers to be able
  • Instruction Drawings -
    This workshop is a trial to describe how information flows through us. What we do with mobile phone is just exchange information. It enters through the ear and into the mind and then out through the mouth. In this workshop, visual