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  • Soundcities -
    Description of Soundcities project. This interactive website called allows the audience as creative user the possibility to remix the hundreds of samples recorded from around the world and then save their own mix. Soundcities is
  • Her Long Black Hair -
    Janet Cardiff's Her Long Black Hair is a 35-minute journey that begins at Central Park South and transforms an everyday stroll in the park into an absorbing psychological and physical experience. Cardiff takes each listener on a winding journey
  • The installation was made specifically for the neo-Gothic Vleeshal in Middelburg and consisted of a computer graphics video projection onto a large screen at the far end of the room opposite the entrance. Infra-red sensors and seven pairs of blue
  • Is a computer-driven slide installation with a soundtrack. The images are projected onto a wall and onto net hung in a ladder . The net creates hologram-like three-dimensional effects. Computerized dissolve equipment produces sequences of images
  • Day of the Figurines -
    Day of the Figurines is funded by the European Commission's IST Programme. It is part of the 'City as Theatre' workpackage of the IPerG project, a large European consortium led by Blast Theory, SICS - Swedish Institute of Computer
  • Aymeric Mansoux has taken part in many artistic experiments based on the internet and the emergence of networks, and considers any form of data to be a new clay that can be used to develop autonomous artistic processes. His most recent projects
  • make art -
    Event: make artInstitution: GOTO10Comment:
  • Bredekamp, Horst. Der Mensch als "zweiter Gott". Motive der Wiederkehr eines kunsttheoretischen Topos im Zeitalter der Bildsimulation In Interface I: Elektronische Medien und Künstlerische Kreativität, edited by Klaus Peter Dencker, Hamburg. :
  • Neue Galerie Graz, ed. Notizen zum Wandel der Skulptur in der Epoche der elektronischen Immaterialität. Zu Gottfried Bechtolds selbstreferentiellen Skulpturen. Graz: 1994.
  • Minsky, Marvin. Die künftige Verschmelzung von Wissenschaft, Kunst und Psychologie In Ars Electronica 1990: Digitale Träume, Virtuelle Welten, edited by Gottfried Hattinger and Peter WeibelVol.2. Linz: Veritas-Verlag, 1990.