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  • ... the final sense of achievement comes not from reaching this goal, but from the passage undertaken while in the maze. An interactive computer installation shown as part of the V-Topia exhibition at the Tramway Gallery Glasgow in Summer 1994 and at the...
  • ...Habeas Corpus is a permanent large scale publicly sited immersive interactive installation composed of two parts. The first part is encountered on entering the subterranean area of the Allen and Overy building in the City of London. As the viewer steps onto the...
  • ... unveiling their societal impact beyond their technological and aesthetic potential. Creating subtle though spectacular interactive artworks, he has been exhibited in major international museums, biennials and festivals in 24 countries around the World....
  • ... the concept of "pure form of pleasure". The Pleasure Machine is not a mechanical device programmed to expand pleasure but an interactive system between humans and machines which transforms pleasure. Is it then possible to pass from the self-possessed body to...
  • [the clearing] -
    ...The Clearing is an interactive installation artwork that focuses on the language of American print media's representation of the Bosnian crisis during the 1993-1994 period based on material culled from the archives of the Oakland Data Center. In its dormant...
  • ... was awarded the department's outstanding academic achievement award. She premiered her brain opera "Noor", a fully immersive interactive brainwave opera at ISEA Hong Kong and the Microwave International Festival, HK. Her PhD thesis, "Is There A Place In...
  • The Savant Guard -
    ... for the city of Pasadena, California. Since its opening in July 2006 it is one of the few outdoor, publicly accessible "interactive" artowrks in the US. This project is a collaboration between myself and Christina Ulke, co-founder of c-level (now...
  • ... exploring technoetic arts, emphasising the spiritual-mystical and occult in art, film, screen-dance, and networked-digital-interactive forms of performance and narrative. Lila Moore’s body of work evolved from her early multimedia performances and...
  • ... van Beuningen 2002 exhibition 'Kunstaanmoedigingsprijs Amstelveen', Aemstelle2002 teaching / workshops: since 2005 interactive media, Gerrit Rietveld Academy Amsterdam 2009 Workshop Conditional Drawings @ Paralelo: Techonolgy & Environment, Sao...
  • ...Conversations offers viewers an immersive, multimodal, interactive narrative experience exploring the events leading up to the escape, recapture, trial and hanging of Ronald Ryan at Pentridge Prison, Melbourne, in 1967; Ryan was the last person publicly executed in...