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  • ...This piece was created as an interactive 'virtual gallery' in which the user can explore a computer rendition of the gallery in which the computer is housed. It is also possible to depart this space and enter into a number of fantasy spaces, arriving ultimately at...
  • ...Grau, Oliver. The Recombinant Reality - Immersion and Interactive Image Spaces In Synthetic Times, edited by Fan Di'an and Zhang Ga, 72 -93. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2008.
  • ... Whitten, a painter who toured Canada in the 60’s doing controversial performance art. Through the use of biosensors, this interactive theatrical two-hander explores the meeting point of madness and creativity. The Red Horse is Leaving is directed by Kate...
  • The Savant Guard -
    ... for the city of Pasadena, California. Since its opening in July 2006 it is one of the few outdoor, publicly accessible "interactive" artowrks in the US. This project is a collaboration between myself and Christina Ulke, co-founder of c-level (now...
  • ... and Bill Seaman (SEA, Attsea, Otic.Info.Set, sp.op.cit, Spilly and the Drops, etc. and media artist exploring linear and interactive works). The work took place via the internet, sending differing files back and forth using Drop Box,, and...
  • ... The Swisshouse: An Inhabitable Interface for Connecting Nations In DIS´04 Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, and Techniques, , 195-204. New York: ACM, 2004.
  • ...Peter Weibel is considered to be one of the poineers of interactive, computerbased installations. In this work from the early nineties, the participants are being filmed upon entering a room. They see "their" film on a large screen while there is a little coordinate...
  • The Tele-Actor -
    ... microphones connected to a wireless digital network. Live video and audio are broadcast to participants via the Internet or interactive television. Participants not only view, but interact with each other and with the Tele-Actor by voting on what to do...
  • ... of a robot hosting a human, we find the roboticized human body itself converted into a host. The Garment was designed as an interactive piece to be worn by any local participant willing to allow his or her body to be engaged by others remotely.
  • The Trace - video
    ... telematic space. The piece consists of vectors, sounds and graphics that respond to the movement of the participants. Two interactive stations are needed for the piece; these are interconnected with a normal ISDN digital line so they can be in the same...