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  • In Timo Kahlen's interactive film and sound projections, 21 works of net art (2005 - 2020), complex and subtle compositions of text, image, sound and vibration are generated - always different and live - according to the varying position, direction
  • Timo Kahlen: UR, 2006 -
    In Timo Kahlen's interactive film and sound projections, 21 works of net art (2005 - 2020), complex and subtle compositions of text, image, sound and vibration are generated - always different and live - according to the varying position, direction
  • In Timo Kahlen's interactive film and sound projections, 21 works of net art (2005 - 2020), complex and subtle compositions of text, image, sound and vibration are generated - always different and live - according to the varying position, direction
  • Campos | Temporales -
    Campos | Temporales was developed as a large scale architectural video installation for 150 Media Stream, a curated video exhibition space in the lobby of 150 Riverside Plaza in Chicago. A musical composition by Christopher Walczak was presented on
  • Capucci, Pier Luigi. Le forme del vivente D'ARS , no. 163/164 (December 2000): 19-21.
  • Fillion, Odile. Entretien avec Eduardo Kac Le Monde Interactif (December 2000).
  • The 121212 UpStage Festival of Cyberformance took place 5-12 December 2012 and consisted of two parts: - “Walking backwards into the future” – remounted cyberformances from the past 5 festivals (5-11 December) - “Testing – 1 2, 1 2, 1 2” – new
  • Under the theme of "Revelation", ISEA2000 explored the effects of the technological revolution on art and its impact on society through new forms of representation such as digital imaging, multimedia, the virtuality, interactive installations and
  • From Media to Metaphor: Art about AIDS was a traveling exhibition. It was shown at: January 20-March 15, 1992 Emerson Gallery, Hamilton College, New York June 19-August 1, 1992 Center on Contemporary Art, Seattle, Washington September 8-October 6,
  • The EVM work called Orbic Field as screened at EZTV 42 on December 9, 2021