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  • ...Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Fleischmann. Through Artificial Neural Networks into Virtual Realities In Proceedings of ICASSE´94, Erlangen: 1994.
  • ...Prophet, Jane. Sublime Ecologies and Artistic Endeavours: Artificial Life, Interactivity and the Internet Leonardo 29, no. 5 (1996): 339-344.
  • ...Prophet, Jane. TechnoSphere: "Real" Time "Artificial" Life Leonardo 34, no. 4 (August 2001): 309-312.
  • ...Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Creating Artificial Life for Interactive Art and Entertainment Leonardo 34, no. 4 (August 2001): 303-307.
  • ...Nell Tenhaaf is an electronic media artist, writer and educator. Tenhaaf works propose the deconstruction of the mainstream biological discourses and the cultural implications of biotechnologies and Artificial Life. She has exhibited across Canada, in the U.S. and in...
  • ...Mari Velonaki has worked as an artist and researcher in the field of interactive installation art since 1995. Velonaki has created interactive installations that incorporate movement, speech, touch, breath, electrostatic charge, artificial vision and robotics. In 2003,...
  • ...Based in Montreal, Bill Vorn is active in the field of Robotic Art since 1992. His installation and performance projects involve robotics and motion control, sound, lighting, video and cybernetic processes. He pursues research and creation on Artificial Life and Agent...
  • ... Editor, programmer, designer, author the Digital Giraffe eZine (, an award-winning monthly journal of art and culture now in its 30th year of web publication and recipient of 2 Golden Web Awards. Exhibited internationally in over 80...
  • ...r, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Interactive Plant Growing In Ars Electronica 1993 - Genetische Kunst - Künstlisches Leben / Genetic Art - Artificial Life, edited by Karl Gerbel and Peter Weibel, 408-414. Vienna: PVS Verleger, 1993.
  • ...Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. A-Volve: An Artificial Life Environment In CNIASE´95, conference proceedings. Guyana, Venezuela, Guyana: CNIASE, 1995.