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  • ... are the Sandin Analog Image Processor (IP) in 1973 and along with... and audio environment in 1991named the CAVE-Automatic Virtual...
  • ... entailed a screen, an image processor and the straw-like user...
  • Body Language -
    ... by a system that used 3 6502 processors in parallel. This...
  • Telematic Manifesto -
    ... record and collective statement proclaiming the future implications of...
  • ... years of art interventions and proclaiming in the curatorial statement...
  • ... the Bible, and also included the Proclamation of God’s Kingdom by the...
  • ... Given the current worldwide proclamations of crisis, be they...
  • ... a reflexive andexperimental process about their role in a... such as "The EndlessColumn," a bookshelf we designed for our... between the poles of fusion,namely a thinking space. Thinking space...
  • Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss, renowned German art collective and professors, have made significant contributions to the realm of digital media art and interactive installations. Pioneers in the field, they have not only created immersive
  • Trucold -
    ... briefly reflected in a marble column. The work also plays with...