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  • Grau, Oliver and Janina Hoth and Eveline Wandl-Vogt, ed. Digital Art through the Looking Glass: New strategies for archiving, collecting and preserving in Digital Humanities. Krems a. d. Donau: Edition Donau-Universität, 2019.
  • nano -
    a Media Arts & Science Exhibition Making Nanoscience Visible, Tangible, and Experiential for Visitors of All Ages nano - an exhibition that merges the arts and the atom by presenting the world of nanoscience through a participatory aesthetic
  • Là bas... -
    In Là-bas… (There…) the artist Claudia Robles-Angel provides an installation focussing on the transition from light to darkness, interweaving sound and silence. Là-bas… can hardly be consumed in an instant while passing by. Every visitor should
  • Pinocchio Interactive is a dynamic installation which integrates: robotic, animation, digital fantasy and interactivity. It is a ludicrous experience which is filled with surprises, tricks and wizards of the life of pinocchio in the version 2000.
  • Home Transnfer -
    HOME TRANSFER is a net-art web project that explores the intersection of home, architecture and new technologies. A dwelling made of bread and its parasitic invasion is used to investigate changing notions of place and presence. Host/Guest
  • Event: Dog:Lab cuestiona la biotecnología con humorInstitution: Espacio MovistarComment:
  • Beyond Hierarchy -
    Upon entering the former Verwaltungshalle in the administration center of the Zeche Zollern II, a historical sweep through the lives of six workers from the Ruhr region can be experienced. Embedded inside the architectural frieze of the high atrium
  • This high-tech treatment of Shakespeare's masterpiece played June 29 - July 1, 2000 in the Lumley Studio Theatre at the University of Kent at Canterbury. The Y2K production of A Midsummer Night's Dream marks a collaboration between
  • Can you see me now? -
    Can You See Me Now?draws upon the near ubiquity of handheld electronic devices in many developed countries. Blast Theory are fascinated by the penetration of the mobile phone into the hands of poorer users, rural users, teenagers and other
  • Pièces à conviction -
    1985, La dernière biennale de Paris. Personne ne le savait à l’époque. En pleine montée du post-modernisme je m’interroge sur le sens de la pratique artistique au milieu des années 80. 8 artistes contemporains seront «mis en situation», sommés de