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  • ... markets. Video-mapping projections react to the new sculptural composition of the public. Sound and visual atmospheres, recalling...
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  • ... the smartphones of the visitors. Real and virtual situations come together, and micro-narratives emerge, based on shifting degrees...
  • The Messive -
    Tapestry weaving on a base of binary code, gives an essential knowledge about our solar system, DNA, first 7 days of creation of Bible as a message for our descendants.
  • Re-Lighting -
    ... borders disappear from space, conflicts dividing people become less important, ‘and the need to create a planetary society with a...
  • Inland Wonderland -
    Our universe obeys to the logic of four interactions - gravitational, electromagnetic, strong, weak - affecting it (not counting the Higgs field). Chaos on the other hand is only produced by human activity and our heads are the omnipotent producers
  • ... of 65536 unique abstract projections. And in so doing so composes an animation - operating with no set duration running on an...
  • ... perception of our (urban) environment. A tangible 360° composition that reveals the inextricable interconnectedness of space...
  • ...Lounge 2.0 is a mixed-reality performance and installation where visitors come to meet four live performers and nine augmented-reality...