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  • Bellour, Raymond. Présences virtuelles In Les Frontières esthétiques de l'art, , 179f.. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1999.
  • Event: Enjeux esthétiques et politiques du numériqueInstitution: UCOI, Université de la Communication de l'Océan IndienComment:
  • Event: Enjeux esthétiques du numériqueInstitution: École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de ParisComment:
  • Fragments from The Impossible Flying Machine by ERASE C41: "My first sighting happened in 1967, on a trip from (A) to (B). It was a night flight and we had leveled off at our assigned altitude and were approximately 40 Km north of (A). We suddenly
  • Infiltrate -
    In the center of the room, on a riser approximately 5 feet tall, a square fish tank, bare, approx 2x3x4 feet, spotlit from above. Inside swim 6 fat koi fish, one gold, the others white On one wall the video projector displays a computer animated
  • Lucia Santaella and E MOTTA and DIANA MARIA G DOMINGUES and C. TURELLY. Arte do Corpo Biocibrido em sistemas enativos-afetivos In Dança sob o signo do Multiplo, edited by Lucia SANTAELLA and Everson MOTTA Vol.1. , 41-65. São Paulo: Estação das
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G and TIAGO FRANKLIN R LUCENA. Inovação Disruptiva e tecnologias criativas na reengenharia do urbano: modos de vida expandidos, cognição e afetos com sistemas enativos In Moda Inclusiva: Para Todos, edited by Ana Mery Sehbe
  • Hors Pistes analiza el universo del deporte desde un prisma político y crítico —desarrollando paralelismos con la sociedad— al tiempo que poético, sobre la reapropiación por parte de los artistas de las formas, códigos e imaginario del deporte, para
  • The goal was to save video material threatened with disappearance and to rescue forgotten material. The project succeeded in retrieving a large number of videos from the 1960s and 1970s, believed lost, from artists, estates, and museum storerooms;
  • O festival compõe o Simpósio de Arte Contemporânea que acontece desde 2006 na UFSM, realizado pelo Labart e promovido pelo PPGART/UFSM, sob coordenação da Profª. Drª. Nara Cristina Santos. Na esteira do 9º Simpósio de Arte Contemporânea, o FACTORS