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  • ... over its nine floors. A prerecorded video from the point of view of a person climbing...
  • ... has also created a number of commercial video games. In addition he has worked in...
  • ... of eight hybrid-photographies, one video work and one image sculpture."
  • ... there is a column with an underwater video camera. This device is the interactive user...
  • ... up that may be roughly categorized as videographic/music. I have generated video...
  • ... that was key to supporting the growth of video and new media practice in the UK, supporting...
  • Interfaces -
    ... a personal conversation to the realm of video. This "visual conversation" explored the...
  • ... brain waves) wireless headset triggered video, a sonic environment and a libretto through...
  • ... Melrose Place. Through hand-drawings, videos, and found materials he explores the notion...
  • ... stayed during most of his childhood. VIDEO ART AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS (80's-early 90's)...